...fueled by rage to correct the damage done to its saurian brethren...
The Madzilla are a randomly generated collection of 6,666 NFTS that serve as the core of the Kaiju of Cronos Ecosystem. Obtain true $ENRG by befriending the Madzillas through staking.
Madzilla NFTs:
- 15-30 $ENRG per day†
- 4 Kaiju Core Booster slots
- 1 Kaiju Talisman slot / Gem Boost Slot
Use $ENRG to play games, purchase items from the Kaiju Marketplace and even build your very own Kaiju Castle!
Madzilla Rarity $ENRG Boost (Base $ENRG earned Per Day)
Rank 1-10 (Legendary): 40 $ENRG
Rank 11-50: 30 $ENRG
Rank 51-100: 22.5 $ENRG
Rank 101-1000: 18.75 $ENRG
Rank 1001-2000: 16.5 $ENRG
Rank 2001-3000: 15.75 $ENRG
Rank 3001-4000: 15.6 $ENRG
Rank 4001-5000: 15.45 $ENRG
Rank 5001-6000: 15.3 $ENRG
Rank 6001-6666: 15.15 $ENRG
†Must be staked. Base amount of $ENRG per day, is based on MADZilla rarity